Fitness Keeps The Body From Getting Sick.

 Fitness Keeps The Body From Getting Sick.


In today's world, living a healthy lifestyle is directly linked to disease and illness. Mobility and physical activity have been reduced to the bare minimum as a result of technological advancements.

Heart disease, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis are becoming more common in people who are sedentary or have physical disabilities.

There can be no doubt about the importance of physical activity and mobility in maintaining good health in general. If you don't move, you'll lose your ability to function in your body's internal organs, which are dependent on your limbs moving. This is why it is so important to get up and move, no matter how simple, to keep yourself in good health and prevent future illness.

Athletes and medical professionals alike are getting involved in sports promotion, and it's clear that physical fitness is something that many people strive for.


Once we have defined fitness, described its components, and explained how to measure it, we will discuss how to perform any sports program and how to obtain the necessary fitness.

The concept of fitness (Physical Fitness) is a long-standing one, but different researchers and scientists have different ideas about what it means to be fit. Athletes' notions of fitness also differ from the general population's.

Athletic fitness can be defined as an athlete's ability to perform their sport for an extended period of time, as well as their ability to withstand the physical demands of their sport.

Non-athletes should understand what it means to be physically fit as a condition that allows them to go about their daily tasks with vigilance, energy, and stamina, and that allows them to engage in additional activities when needed. This level of fitness is essential in maintaining good health and preventing injury to the body.

All aspects of psychological, physical, mental, social, and health fitness are included in a comprehensive fitness.

Items for a Fit and Healthy Lifestyle:

There are a variety of viewpoints and concepts on how to divide up the various fitness elements that will be tested into the following categories:

1-Fitness related to health includes:

The periodic and respiratory systems, flexibility and strength of the muscles, muscular endurance, and the composition of the body are all factors to consider.

2: Skills are related to fitness in the following ways:

Speed, muscle endurance, agility, the speed of your reactions, and balance.
From what's been said, it's clear that all parts of physical fitness are linked to physical performance for the idea of "integrated physical fitness," but recently, more attention has been paid to health-related parts of fitness.

We'll explain in more depth what these things are and how to measure them:

1. fitness of the heart and lungs:

an individual's capacity to take in and transport oxygen while also providing the necessary energy for physical exertion through their cardiorespiratory system. One of the most important aspects of physical fitness is cardiovascular fitness, which is linked to the body's functional capabilities and measures an individual's ability to consume the most oxygen during physical exertion.

When laboratory tests aren't an option, an individual's cardiorespiratory fitness can be assessed by measuring the time it takes to travel a specific distance (such as one or two miles) or by calculating the distance travelled in a given period of time while exercising.

2. Composition of the Body:

The ratio of the weight of body fat to the weight of non-lipid body parts like bones and muscles is called the body fat ratio. Having a high body fat ratio is bad for your health and will give you bad results on fitness tests.

For different parts of the body to work, they need grease. Men usually have between 15 and 20 percent of their body weight made up of natural grease. Women have 22–28%, but in athletes, these numbers drop to an average of 12–18% for men and 18–22% for women.
The amount of grease in the body can be figured out by weighing it underwater or by measuring things like the thickness of the skin layer in different parts of the body. This information can then be turned into a different form using special equations.

3. Musculoskeletal fitness: 

showing the body's muscle capacity, the strength of the abdominal muscles, the flexibility of the lower back muscles and the hind muscles, the lack of flexibility in the lower back muscles and the hind muscles, and the weakness of the abdominal muscles often cause lower back pain.
Field tests are used to measure musculoskeletal fitness. Abdominal endurance is measured by a sitting test of the flip with knees bent, and the number of times the flip can be done while sitting in a minute is counted. You can also use a wooden box with a ruler on it to measure how flexible your lower back and back thigh muscles are by bending your torso as far as you can while sitting or standing. Vertical jumping or long jumping can be used to measure how strong your muscles are.
We remind people who want to start a fitness sports program that fitness is a personal trait that varies from person to person and is also affected by age, sex, genetics, personal habits, exercise, and diet. If the first three factors are hard to change, we can work on the other ones to get the best results.


Before starting any sports program, you should think about the following rules:

1- exercises for warming up and cooling down

As a pre-exercise warm-up, you should walk or trot for 5 to 10 minutes, moving your arms forward and backward (circularly), and twisting your upper body round.

Slow walks, stretches, and tightening of hands and legs should be completed for 5 to 10 minutes.

Why warming up and getting warm is important:

Alert different parts of the body to do their jobs, give muscles the flexibility they need to work, speed up the heartbeat, increase blood flow, control breathing and speed it up, as well as speed up blood circulation, and raise body temperature.
It doesn't give the warm-up drills the attention they need, hurts the body a lot, and may cause injury directly.

2- Sportswear that fits

Not all clothes are good for working out, but sportswear needs to meet a few simple requirements. For example, it needs to be wide and comfortable.
• Do not hinder movement.
• Don't be too fat, because when you work out, your body will make a lot of heat.
• Be white or a light color to reflect the sun's rays and make the body feel cooler.
• Be made of sweat-wicking cotton, not rubber or plastic, because rubber or plastic makes it hard to sweat, which can cause your body temperature to rise.

3- The best times of day to work out.

In general, it is up to the individual to determine how much time he or she has available for exercise. Maintaining this schedule is essential, and cutting it would be detrimental. It is recommended that he or she exercise between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. in the morning, when sports are at their peak. This keeps him or her more active throughout the day, and he or she can also exercise in the evening after dinner, or at least an hour before.

4- Exercises should be stopped in the following situations:

• If you feel bad.
• When you're tired.
• If you're thirsty or hungry.
• You have to wait two or three hours after eating before you can work out.
• In an environment that is very cold or humid, or in the middle of the day in the summer.

Foundations for the sports program to work:

For the sports program to reach its goals and produce the results it wants, the following points must be taken into account:
• Choosing the right exercises: Before starting any type of exercise, you should make sure that the exercises are right for your gender, age, and environment.
• Regular exercise: Try to work out at least three times a week to keep your fitness level steady.
• Work out more over time. To get fitter, you need to increase the length of your workouts and do them more than once.
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