To Live You Must Know What To Eat

To Live You Must Know What To Eat :


 The only way to ensure that we get enough of these essential
 health-supporting elements is to eat foods like steamel vegetables. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements or adding vitamins to processed foods will not prevent the diseases associated with a diet high in processed foods and low in whole natural foods.
Nutrients that have yet to be discovered cannot be formulated into pills by scientists! We would have to swallow a soup bowl full of pills and powders if the pills did contain adequate amounts of all phytonutrients and other essential substances. Researchers have discovered over ten thousand phytochemicals to date. There is no supplement that can contain a sufficient amount. Fortunately, you can get all of these nutrients by eating a variety of foods today a wide range of plant-based foods
Please keep in mind that I'm not opposed to nutritional supplements. In fact, I recommend various supplements to many of my patients who have a variety of health issues, and a high-quality multivitamin/multimineral supplement to almost everyone.I do not recommend that most people take supplements containing vitamin A, isolated beta-carotene, or iron because there are risks associated with excessive consumption of these nutrients. The point to emphasize is that supplements cannot provide optimal disease protection on their own, and that supplements cannot transform an unhealthy diet into a healthy one.
Professor of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health and a 12 speaker at the American Association for Cancer Research
In other words, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other natural plant foods provides us with powerful disease protection. In their natural state, phytochemicals are powerful cancer inhibitors. For example, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, men who ate three or more servings of cruciferous vegetables per week had a 41% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ate less than one serving per week. " Isothiocyanates, which can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, activate enzymes found in all cells."that eliminate carcinogens Eating a variety of other vegetation reduced the risk even more. Green vegetables, onions, and leeks are also high in organosulfur phytonutrients, which prevent abnormal cellular changes that lead to cancer. The only true anti-cancer strategy is a wide variety of wholesome plant-based foods.

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You Can't Buy Your Health - You Have to Earn It:

When your nutrient intake is out of balance, you may experience health issues. Beta-carotene, for example, has been promoted as a potent antioxidant and anti-cancer vitamin. However, recent research has revealed that beta-carotene is only one of approximately 500 carotenoids. Scientists are discovering that taking beta-carotene supplements is not without risk, and supplements are certainly a poor substitute for the real tiling — the diverse carotenoid compounds found in plants.
Researchers believed beta-carotene had such a potent anti-cancer effect because populations with high levels of beta-carotene in their bloodstream had extremely low cancer rates. We recently discovered that these people were cancer-free due to hundreds of carotenoids and phytochemicals.They were getting it from the fruits and vegetables they were eating. It wasn't because of beta-carotene. It was not responsible for the low cancer incidence; it merely served as a warning sign for populations with a high fruit and vegetable intake. Regrettably, many scientists mistook the flag for the ship.
Large-scale studies have recently revealed that taking beta-carotene (or vitamin A) supplements may not be such a good idea.
Taking beta-carotene supplements failed to prevent lung cancer in Finnish trials and actually increased its incidence. This study was halted when the researchers discovered that participants who had taken high doses of beta-carotene and vitamin A had a 28 percent higher death rate from lung cancer.Furthermore, the death rate from heart disease was 17 percent higher in those who took the supplements versus those who were simply given a placebo.
A separate study discovered a link between beta-carotene supplementation and an increased risk of prostate cancer.As a result of these European studies, as well as comparable studies conducted in the United States, articles in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the Lancet, All of these publications, as well as the New England Journal of Medicine, advise us to avoid taking beta-carotene supplements."This study can teach us something. Consumption of iso-lated beta-carotene may impair absorption of other carotenoids. Taking beta-carotene or vitamin A may reduce the anti-cancer activity of carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and many other important plant-derived carotenoids. When my patients ask what multivitamin to take, I tell them I prefer a high-quality multivitamin that doesn't contain vitamin A or plain beta-carotene. The supplement should contain a combination of plant-derived carotenoids rather than isolated beta-carotene.
When nature has combined many nutrients, a high intake of just one nutrient may make things worse, not better. We humans, particularly physicians, are notorious for interfering with nature because we believe we know better. We do it occasionally, but far too often not. Only later, when it is often too late, do we realize that we have exacerbated the situation.
While it may take decades to understand how whole foods promote health, we must accept that foods found in nature are perfectly suited to the biological needs of the species. "The most compelling evidence in the last decade has pointed to the importance of largely unknown protective factors in fruits and vegetables,cancer strategy." said Walter C. Willett, M.D., Ph.D., chairman of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard's School of Public Health and a speaker at the American Association for Cancer Research.
In other words, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other natural plant foods provides us with powerful disease protection. In their natural state, phytochemicals are powerful cancer inhibitors. For example, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, men who ate three or more servings of cruciferous vegetables per week had a 41% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ate less than one serving per week. " Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, contain high levels of isothiocyanates, which activate enzymes found in all cells that detoxify carcinogens. Eating a variety of other vegetation reduced the risk even more. Green vegetables, onions, and leeks are also high in organosulfur phytonutrients, which prevent abnormal cellular changes that lead to cancer. The only true anti-cancer strategy is a wide variety of wholesome plant-based foods.

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