The Top Brain-Healthy Superfoods (II)

 Here are 7 superfoods you should consume regularly to keep your brain healthy:

1. beetroot:



Beets are a tasty and vibrant superfood that promotes brain health.

They are beneficial to both the heart and the brain. They are also grossly underutilized. To set the record straight, when was the last time you cooked with or ate beets? Do you see what I mean? We should eat more beets.

Eat more beets, and your brain will be properly fueled. So, what's the big deal about them?

A chemical called betanin, which is responsible for the red color found in beets, has been linked to brain aging.

If that isn't a superpower, I don't know what is. That's exactly what I'm looking for: a young and agile mind. Researchers discovered that the compound betanin inhibits the accumulation of misfolded proteins or alpha-beta proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease. As a result, betanin slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Beets also contain nitrates, which help improve blood flow throughout the body, allowing nutrients to reach the brain and feed those brain cells, allowing them to perform at peak levels. It is useless to eat if the transit system is clogged and nutrient transport is hampered. According to research, beets also have anxiolytic and antidepressant properties. They have anti-stress properties, antioxidants, and anticancer properties. They are beneficial to the liver and kidneys, aid in wound healing, and have anti-inflammatory properties. That qualifies as a superpower.

                                               2. Avocados                                                    

I hope you're convinced that you should eat more avocados by now.

These delectable fruits are a nutrient-dense powerhouse and an excellent way to nourish your brain. Avocados are, in fact, a true brain superfood. They are also very versatile, so you can eat more of them in a variety of dishes, such as guacamole, salads, and smoothies. Avocados are also good for weight loss because they are filling and keep you feeling full for a longer period. They are also a good source of good fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids. They are high in monounsaturated fats. As a result, they help to improve blood flow, ensuring that nutrients reach your brain.

Avocados are high in vitamins K, A, D, and E, as well as potassium, magnesium, folate, and B vitamins. So, yes, that is what I mean by a nutrient powerhouse. Folate and B vitamins, as well as vitamin K and magnesium, are all required for proper brain function.

The metabolic changes that occur in diabetes can lead to diabetic encephalopathy, according to this study published in the Journal of Diabetic Research, and using avocado oil reduced the inflammatory effects that cause cognitive decline. It Prevents mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain, as well as ROS and oxidative stress. This study discovered that using avocado oil reduced oxidative stress in the brain and improved mitochondrial function. To begin with, oxidation in the brain or anywhere else in the body is a bad thing. Second, the mitochondria are the cell's energy factory; if they malfunction, the brain will not get or use energy, which will result in cell death and brain dysfunction.

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3. Green Tea:

Green tea is a powerful nutrient that has recently been proven by science to be beneficial to brain health. Green tea has been shown to improve mental clarity, cognitive function, physical activation, and interpersonal relationships. This effect is amplified when one consumes matcha green tea, which contains high concentrations of these phytochemicals, making matcha green tea a superfood for brain and mood health. According to research, green tea contains catechins, polyphenols, and EGCG antioxidants that protect the brain from the neurologic cognitive damage caused by Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. 
Green tea contains caffeine, which improves alertness, performance on demanding cognitive tasks, and vigor. Furthermore, L theanine aids in relaxation by counteracting the effects of caffeine. improves mood, relaxation, and calmness, implying that caffeine will not make you insanely hyper. Instead, after a cup of green tea, one achieves a nice zen-like state while demolishing their to-do list. According to this article, theanine also acts as a neurotransmitter and has been shown in animal studies to lower blood pressure.
Furthermore, studies have shown that green tea improves working memory, particularly by improving the short-term plasticity of the parietal-frontal lobe brain connections. This is fantastic news and a simple way to improve your memory.
No more forgetting names as soon as they are given to you. Consume your green tea. Okay, I hope this has converted you to a tea drinker, given the numerous brain benefits.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is a fantastic superfood in general, as well as a superfood for brain health. It contains choline, folate, and vitamin K, all of which help to maintain brain health. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that foods high in choline metabolites are important for maintaining the structural integrity of cell membranes and signaling during neuron cell development.
And, dare I say it, that sounds like something we'd want for our brain cells. Improved signaling is required for cell function. Broccoli is a simple and healthy way to strengthen your brain. It is a low-calorie food that is high in many nutrients, including vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and vitamin A. All of these nutrients are beneficial to mental health. According to studies like this one and this one, vitamin K has been linked to improved memory in older adults. While you may not be old enough to read this post, I would venture to say that optimizing our vitamin K consumption can help our brain health now and in the future.
Please keep in mind that if you are taking certain medications, your doctor may advise you to reduce your intake. Broccoli also contains antioxidants such as sulforaphane and Kaempferol, as well as vitamins C and E. Researchers also believe that these phytochemicals stimulate the brain's antioxidant production via various pathways such as the Nr2f pathway. This is an effective method for keeping your brain healthy. The Nr2f (A protein that regulates how certain genes are expressed) is the brain's most powerful source of natural antioxidants, and activating or optimizing it can help keep your brain healthy. If you want to optimize your Nr2f pathway, new research indicates that you can take Nr2f in pill form with incredible results for overall health.

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