The Fundamentals Of Raw Food

The Fundamentals Of Raw Food:


How to Eat a Healthy Diet:

It's easy to eat food. However, one of the most difficult things to do nowadays is to eat simply. There isn't enough natural spring water for everyone. And we can no longer digest raw wild green grasses and plants. Furthermore, there is a constant temptation to eat cheap junk food.

Junk food is not a natural food. Only the natural will last. For thousands of years, people have eaten naturally. Without the need for billions of dollars in marketing. It's only common sense to eat simple and natural foods. Repeated advertising does not transform an error into truth. Neither does truth become erroneous because no one sees it.

What you eat on a daily basis reflects your priorities. Is it important to you to be healthy, energetic, and happy?  Or would you rather not think or plan, zap TV at home, remain in your comfort zone, and be accepted and liked by others? This is the question you must ask yourself. What is your number one priority? Make a decision and stick to it.

Your goal is your priority. To remind yourself and motivate yourself to pursue it on a daily basis, write it down on paper and stick it on your fridge, make it your computer password, set an alarm in your calendar to remind you on a regular basis, post an inspiring quote or picture in your bathroom or mirror, read books about the subject, listen to tapes, watch DVDs, and attend meetings where the subject of your goal is discussed. Break your goal down into small, doable daily tasks. Then simply leave. To maintain motivation I keep raw fast food in my kitchen to remind me and make it easier for me to eat this way: green powder, super food mixes, raw chocolate bar, fruit, trail mixes, energy bars, and purified water. On my computer and in my bathroom, I have pictures of inspiring healthy people. My computer's password contained the word "healthy."

My top priority is to be healthy and happy so that you can help your family, friends, and others who are interested in becoming healthy and happy as well. After much research, observation, and experience, I believe that eating a natural diet is critical to success. A natural healthy diet, in my opinion, is one that consists primarily of raw, plant-based, and nutrient-dense foods.

Recipes using these ingredients can be found in this book. Are simple to prepare for raw food diet beginners and incredibly tasty. It is much easier to stay motivated and keep going this way.

What You Should Eat:

I prefer to eat raw food because it contains enzymes, easily absorbable minerals, and life force.
Food is considered raw if it has never been heated above 42 degrees Celsius/118 degrees Fahrenheit. Furthermore, I prefer it as fresh (and wild) as possible. Of course, there are no preservatives, pesticides, irradiation, or genetic manipulation.
Concentrate on the following food groups:
1. Vegetables with green leaves
2. Vegetables from the Sea (Nori, Kelp, Dulse, Irish Mosh,etc.)
3. Herbs & Spices (Wild)  Basil, Stevia, Garlic, Cilantro, Ginger, ChilePepper, and Mint
4. Mushrooms with medicinal properties (e.g.Shiitake, Maiitake, Reishi, Chaga)
5. Superfoods (nutrient-dense foods), such as raw chocolate, goji berries, young coconut water, and green powders.
6.Wheat Grass and Sprouts
7. Seeds (flax ,hemp, chia, sesame, pumpkin ,sunflower).
8. Food fermented with probiotics, such as (raw) sauerkraut, pickles, beverages, and miso.
9. Pure and delicious drinking water.

How Should I Cook My Food:

On a raw food diet, you can eat almost the same as you would on a cooked diet. Aside from the ingredients, the preparation of your food is the most noticeable difference. The following methods of preparation are to be used:
Methods of Preparation
Here are the most common methods for preparing raw food dishes.
1. Making a Juice
2. Mixing
3. Desiccation 
4. chopping

Juicing is a method of extracting the liquid (juice) from a vegetable or fruit. The fiber is removed, leaving only the juice. This is a method of obtaining concentrated vitamins and minerals that your body can easily absorb. Within 20 minutes, the nutrients may enter your bloodstream.


Blending is a method of chopping produce so finely that it becomes a smooth soup, or "smoothie." Blenders with high speeds, such as Blendtec and Vitamix, cut the food so finely that the cell wall is broken. This allows you to easily absorb tough vegetables. Blending uses the entire food, so the fiber is preserved.
You can combine fruits, vegetables, greens, super foods, water, nuts, seeds, and other ingredients. Smoothies can be made cold or warm, sweet or hearty. Blenders are very simple to use and clean. A popular method of preparing raw food.


Dehydrating is a method of drying your food and removing the water. After dehydrating your food, store it in an airtight container or plastic bag. It is also a method of making food crunchy and is frequently used as an alternative to traditional baking.
However, because the food must remain "raw," it cannot be dehydrated in a standard oven. The best ways to dehydrate food are to let it dry in the sun or to use a special dehydrator (i.e. Excalibur). Other options include using your radiator or a conventional oven set to the lowest temperature.I would definitely get one if you wanted to make gourmet food. Otherwise, this appliance would not be at the top of my shopping list. It's large, expensive, and dehydrating at low temperatures takes anywhere from 6 to 24 hours.


Sharp knives, a cutter, a mandoline, or a food processor can all be used to cut your food. When preparing raw food, sharp knives and, of course, a cutting board are essential.
When you need to cut a lot of onions or nuts, a hand cutter comes in handy. 
If you want to make pesto, you'll need a food processor. As a result, something that isn't completely smooth (as it will be if you blend it) or for using smaller amounts. For this, I use my hand blender and pulse it, or I use the food processor attachment on my hand blender. I'd only use a food processor for larger amounts. (I usually prepare raw food for one or two people.) You can cut it into interesting shapes, such as potato shapes, ribs, or very thin slices. It's reasonably priced and convenient to have, but it's not required.

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