11 Healthy Eating Guidelines You Should Completely Ignore


6-The best snack is dried fruit:


Fruit loses up to 80% of its vitamins and antioxidants during the drying process. This means that having some fresh fruit as a snack is preferable.

Dried fruit is also dangerous because some dishonest manufacturers add sweet syrup to it, further reducing its usefulness.

7-Popcorn is bad for you:

Popcorn cooked in hot air has been proven by scientists to be  healthy and useful food. A cup of popcorn contains nearly twice the amount of antioxidants known as polyphenols as any fruit or vegetable. Furthermore, popcorn contains fiber, which is extremely beneficial to your health.

Of course, you shouldn't eat it in large quantities, but a regular cup of popcorn can be a tasty snack.

8-Cheese is the most dangerous food for those on a diet:

Most diets advise you to avoid cheese because it contains a lot of fat and calories. However, because cheese contains more calcium than most other foods, it can be consumed even on the strictest of diets.

It also contains linoleic acid, which prevents fat accumulation and aids in weight loss.

9-Any amount of alcohol is harmful:


One of the healthy diet myths is that a person who cares about his or her health should avoid alcohol. Wine, on the other hand, contains beneficial components. Red wine, for example, is high in polyphenols, which help your blood vessels.

But don't forget to follow the one-glass rule.

10-Healthy oils improve the taste of any food:

Coconut oil, linen oil, pumpkin oil, and so on... All of these have become lifelong companions for people who follow a healthy diet. Many people use them in their cooking without even thinking about it, but there's a catch, and it's a dangerous one. Linen oil, for example, becomes poisonous when heated due to high levels of unsaturated acids.

Some oils should only be consumed in their natural state.

11-Fat-free products are better for you:

Many people are so serious about losing weight that they only eat fat-free foods, which can be even more calorific than regular products. Consider this: if you remove the fat that gives food its flavor, you must replace it with something else. Furthermore, such foods contain fewer vitamins and minerals.

Dairy products, for example, contain fat-soluble vitamins D, E, A, and K. As a result, if there are no fats, there are no vitamins.


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