11 Healthy Eating Guidelines You Should Completely Ignore

11 Healthy Eating Guidelines You Should Completely Ignore

Those who care about their bodies frequently experiment with replacing unhealthy foods with healthy ones. However, in a number of cases, the substitute does not lead us anywhere near healthy eating.

Bright Side has compiled a list of rules that you should avoid if you want to eat 'clean' food.

1-A carton of apple juice is a healthier alternative to a Coke:


We believe apple juice is healthier than 'harmful' Coke because it appears so innocent. In fact, apple juice has a few more calories than Coca-Cola.

If you are serious about losing weight, drink plenty of water and avoid packaged juices and soft drinks.

2-Cooked vegetables are less nutritious than fresh vegetables:


It turns out that some boiled vegetables are superior to fresh ones. Boiled carrots, for example, have more carotenoids, whereas stewed or steamed tomatoes have more lycopene, which is beneficial to your health.

This isn't to say you should only eat cooked vegetables, but don't throw them away either.

3-Sushi can be consumed while adhering to any diet:

Even those who keep track of their carbohydrate intake prefer to order sushi at restaurants, seeing it as a healthier alternative to other dishes. In fact, a serving of salmon rolls has more carbs than a burger, despite the latter being higher in calories.

If you want to lose weight, you should choose something that is less damaging to your figure.

4-Soy sauce is more healthy then salt:


Nutritionists advise against using soy sauce instead of salt because one visit to a Chinese restaurant could result in you consuming several daily doses of salt without even realizing it.

It is preferable to add a little salt to your food on a regular basis rather than believing that such a substitute is healthy.

5-Instead of sugar, use honey:

Everyone knows that sugar is bad for your figure and your health, so we sweeten everything with honey. and as we can honey has more calories than sugar.

The difference isn't significant, but you won't see any progress in losing weight this way.


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