Fitness Meals

Fitness meals:

 Fitness is a modern term that we have frequently used among ourselves, but in order to understand what it is, we must first learn about the causes of fitness, its resistance, and how to get it right, and we can define it in a simple phrase: "It is the body having the right building and good health."

Following a few simple guidelines will help you achieve a physically fit body:

- Weightlifting, warm-up exercises, power exercises, and cardio exercises are examples of physical fitness exercises.

- Integrated diets rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, as well as the requirement for omega-3 fatty acids, which constantly promote and regenerate human activity.

- Failure to sleep immediately after eating food, because such bad habits cause the accumulation of fat and sugars in the body, resulting in excessive obesity, so that humans will never be able to enjoy physical fitness.

Excessive consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain a high proportion of the vitamins and fibers required by the body.

- No use of soda beverages, foods, ready-made foods, and eateries with a high proportion of salts or preservatives, taste and smell gains, and the need to limit sweet food

- No water should be consumed during exercise, and no food should be consumed for one hour after exercise has ended.

There are some foods that can help you maintain your body fitness, such as:

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